Alan Raffensperger
Alan Raffensperger is an international senior health care executive with 35 years of experience in the pharmaceutical/biotech, diagnostic and medical device industries. Alan has held executive leadership or board positions at the following companies in addition to Inceptua: SOBI (Swedish Orphan Biovitrum), XVIVO Perfusion AB, Pharmanest AB, PhaseIn AB, Benechill Inc, Amgen, Roche and Pharmacia. Today, Alan is Executive Vice Chairman of Inceptua SA (Luxembourg), a privately held global pharmaceutical and pharma service provider. In the years 2018-2019 he was the Chief Executive Officer of Inceptua SA.
In terms of education, Raffensperger holds: a Master of Business Administration Candidate, George Washington University; a Bachelor of Science – Emergency Health Services Management, University of Maryland, Baltimore; USA NREMT-P Certified Paramedic, Northern Virginia Community College; and Continuing Executive Education, IMD and Columbia University.

Kerstin Brismar
Cofounder, Board member
Kerstin Brismar is professor of endocrinology/diabetes research at Karolinska Institute (KI) and specialist in diabetes and hormonal disorders (endocrinology) and internal medicine. Brismar became a licensed physician at KI in 1971. During the years 1988-2012, she worked as chief physician at the clinic for endocrinology and diabetology at KI. From 1999 she has been a professor in diabetes research at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Rolf Luft Center for Research in Diabetes and Endocrinology, Karolinska Institute. Since 2012, Brismar is senior professor of endocrinology at KI. Together with Professor Per-Olof Berggren, she co-founded the Center for Diabetes Research in 2002. And, together with Professor Rolf Luft, she co-founded Rolf Luft’s Foundation for Diabetes Research in 2004. She has more than 50 years of clinical experience and research in diabetes and how to prevent the disease and its complications, including studies on the importance of lifestyle choices, including the role of diet, physical activity, sleep and stress.

Jeffrey Friedman
Board member
Jeffrey M. Friedman is a professor of molecular genetics at Rockefeller University, New York, as well as an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and director of the Starr Foundation Center for Human Genetics. Friedman earned his medical degree in 1977 at Albany Medical College of Union University. In 1980 he came to Rockefeller University where he received his doctorate in 1986. In 1995 he was appointed professor at Rockefeller University and director of the Starr Foundation Center for Human Genetics. In 1998, he was named the Marilyn M. Simpson Professor at Rockefeller University. Dr. Friedman’s research gained international attention in 1994 when he and his colleagues isolated the ob gene (obesity gene). Current research aims, among other things, to understanding the genetic background of obesity. In 2010, together with Douglas Coleman, he received one of the world’s most prestigious prizes, the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award, for the identification of leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite and body weight.

Sir Stephen O’Rahilly
Board member
Sir Stephen O’Rahilly is Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine; Director, Medical Research Council Metabolic Diseases Unit; Scientific Director, Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research Centre; and Hon Consultant Physician, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge. O’Rahilly graduated in Medicine from University College Dublin in 1981. In 1996 he was appointed professor, Chair, of Metabolic Medicine and in 2002 professor, Chair, of Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine at the University of Cambridge. His research has been focused on the basic (genetic) causes of obesity and type 2 diabetes and the translation of those discoveries into improved diagnosis and therapy for patients.

Claes-Göran Östenson
Board member
Claes-Göran Östenson received his doctorate at Uppsala University in 1979, with a thesis on the blood sugar-raising hormone glucagon. Since 1980, he has worked at Karolinska Hospital’s endocrinology clinic and the department of molecular medicine at Karolinska Institute. In 1982, he became associate professor at Uppsala University and four years later a specialist in clinical endocrinology at KI, where he was appointed senior lecturer in 1997 and assistant professor the following year. Since 1995, he has been head of Karolinska Hospital’s diabetes prevention unit. In 1999, Östenson was appointed professor of endocrinology at Karolinska Institute. His research focuses, among other things, on the development of type 2 diabetes, as well as on the importance of stress and exercise in diabetes treatment.

Margaret von Platen
Board member
Margaret von Platen is an author and business journalist. She received her bachelor’s degree at Uppsala University and has an MBA degree at Columbia Business School in New York. During the years 1987-1995, she worked as a stock market columnist at Dagens Industri. She has also held several board assignments in listed and unlisted companies, such as Nordstjernan, Karo Bio and NSP. Furthermore, she is a business journalist and author and has, among other things, wrote the first biography of Jan Stenbeck, as well as the books “The successful families”, “Truth owner or careerist” and “Philosophy.” For several years, she has worked as a journalist for newspapers in Sweden and in France. Currently, she is a board member of Marie Cronstedt’s foundation and works as a columnist at www.realtid.se.

Johan von Kantzow
Board member
Johan von Kantzow earned his Bachelor of Science at Pepperdine University in Los Angeles and holds an MBA degree from the Institute Superieur de Gestion in Paris. Johan has over 20 years of experience in foundation management and is chairman of and manages the Hans von Kantzow Foundation and the Berth von Kantzow Foundation. Furthermore, Johan has had several board assignments in listed and unlisted companies. Currently, he is, among other things, a board member of Soundation AB and a board member of Sydsvenska Hem AB.

Jenny Stenesjö Wöhrman
Board member
Text to be added.

Monica Engström
Board member
Since 2004, Monica Engström has worked with administration and information at Rolf Luft Foundation for Diabetes Research. She is educated in administration, marketing and journalism. Monica has experience with diabetes when she herself contracted type 1 diabetes in 1988. Since then, she has held various positions of trust, including within Swedish Food and Environmental Information and in the local association of the Swedish Diabetes Association in Stockholm. In 2004, she wrote a book about food and lifestyle in diabetes together with dietician Kåre Engström. Since 2007, she has worked in the Government Office as assistant state secretary and internal communicator, as well as subject expert on interpretation during Sweden’s presidency of the EU in 2023.

Carl Jan Granqvist
Board member
Carl Jan Granqvist is professor of “food art” at the University of Stavanger, with an honorary PhD in food science at Örebro University, as well as entrepreneur, “innkeeper emeritus” at Grythyttan’s Gästgivaregård, initiator of the Restaurant College in Grythyttan/Campus Grythyttan, and member of Örebro University’s consistory. He is 50% CEO of AB Måltidsupplesseser, which is owned by the municipality of Hällefors and whose task is to coordinate academic research with the business world. Carl Jan Granqvist holds King Carl XVI Gustaf’s medal of the 8th size. He is a popular inspirer and frequently engaged lecturer and has several board assignments. Carl Jan Granqvist, together with Professor Kerstin Brismar, runs a research project on the importance of meals for health.