The foundation celebrates 20 years with symposium

Special events
The foundation celebrates 20 years with a jubilee symposium. From left: Sir Stephen O’Rahilly, Jeffrey Friedman, Nils-Göran Larsson, C Ronald Kahn, Ritva Luft, Dame Frances Ashcroft, Alan Raffensperger and Kerstin Brismar.

To highlight and celebrate the foundation’s work over the last 20 years, a jubilee symposium was arranged with, among others, previous winners of the Rolf Luft Award: Jeffrey Friedman, chairman of the nomination committee for the Rolf Luft Award (Rockefeller University), C Ronald Kahn (Harvard Medical School) and Sir Stephen O´Rahilly (Cambridge University), as well as Nils-Göran Larsson (Karolinska Institute), who is chairman of the Nobel Committee for Medicine/Physiology. During the morning, the above mentioned researchers described their ground-breaking work regarding causes and treatments of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Never before have such successful Nobel-class diabetes researchers participated simultaneously in a diabetes symposium, which impressed many. This led to the Nobel Forum conference room being filled to the brim. During the afternoon, Dame Frances Ashcroft gave an award lecture and researchers from the Karolinska Institute described their research; all primarily aimed at researchers and clinicians.

During the anniversary day, co-founder Kerstin Brismar’s invaluable efforts during the foundation’s twenty-year operation were also recognized, through a diploma presented by the foundation’s chairman Alan Raffensperger.

Further reading

  • See the program for the jubilee symposium here.
  • Read the Abstracts by four prominent lecturers at the symposium here.
  • Read the prize motivation for the Rolf Luft Award 2024 here.
  • Read about the Rolf Luft Award here.
  • See a list of previous winners of the Rolf Luft Award here.
Kerstin Brismar presents the Rolf Luft Award to Dame Frances Ashcroft (Photo: Ulf Sirborn, Bildmakarna)
The audience at the Rolf Luft Foundation's jubilee symposium, at the Nobel Forum.
Dame Frances Ashcroft
Nils-Göran Larsson
Alan Raffensperger
Alan Raffensperger and Kerstin Brismar
Jeffrey Friedmahn
Kerstin Brismar
Sir Stephen O´Rahilly
C Ronald Kahn
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Frances Ashcroft received Rolf Luft Award 2023
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Prof. Evans receives the Rolf Luft Award 2025

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