Årets Rolf Luft Award 2015 har tilldelats professor Andrew Hattersley från University of Exeter, Medical School, Storbrittannien. Professor Hattersley är professor i molekylärmedicin och även läkarkonsult.
Prismotiveringen löd:
”Professor Andrew Hattersley is an outstanding clinical investigator who combines state of the art molecular genetics with clinical studies. He established and currently heads the premier international research team working on monogenic diabetes whilst continuing to work as a practising physician in diabetes and endocrinology. He has made major contributions in the genetics, pathophysiology and therapy of diabetes publishing over 400 original articles. His clinical descriptions and physiological studies of patients with monogenic diabetes have uncovered an essential role for novel proteins in the beta-cell and extra-pancreatic sites. The dramatic pharmacogenetic responses he described in potassium channel neonatal diabetes and hepatic nuclear factor maturity-onset diabetes in the young (MODY) has revolutionised patients’ treatment. This work has made molecular genetic diagnosis of monogenic diabetes essential in routine clinical practice.”
I samband med att professor Andrew Hattersley tog emot Rolf Luft Award den 27 maj 2015 i Nobel Forum vid Karolinska institutet gav han en mycket uppskattad prisföreläsning med titeln: ”From base change to better care in diabetes”.
För mer information om prof Hattersley, se hans akademiska presentation.